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Myo Munchee™ CEO, Dr Mary Bourke, explains what the Myo Munchee™ is – a small device, with big impact – which is made for chewing. Shaped a bit like a mouthguard, it's made of flexible, soft, medical-grade silicone with multiple prongs, which massage the teeth and gums, and a handle at the front for holding. The appliance is used to assist with growth and development of the face, lips and jaws, to exercise the muscles and to promote nose breathing.


About Myo Munchee™ 🔍 A unique device that initiates natural chewing! The Munchee is an oral device that assists in strengthening lip and facial muscles, correcting breathing patterns and improving the health of teeth and gums, all by doing something incredibly simple: chewing.


The Munchee Movement’s mission is improving the quality of life of all ages, by creating awareness of the silent epidemic of a widespread health crisis of underdeveloped jaws.



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